Sunday, August 1, 2010

Action Research Plan


  1. From reading your blog posted before, I know that you want to study the effects (both positive and negative)school uniforms have on school culture.

    Everything looks fairly well, but you might want to also visit campuses where uniforms are not required and do a comparison study of campuses with and without uniforms to see which seems to have a better culture.

  2. That's great input Annabell. Thanks for the idea.

  3. What are your open-ended surveys about? Are you trying to determine perceptions about uniforms?

  4. Boy you have chosen a "hot topic" to research. Your plan looks great and will definitely provide results.
    You could use a Web 2.0 tool such as Wallwisher walls where you set up "Pros and Cons" page where stakeholders post comments about school uniform use (of course you may want to set the privacy settings where you have to moderate comments especially since this will be a hot topic). All stakeholders can see the pages and would probably be very motivated to read them regularly. This would be beneficial in possibly opening eyes when reading others' thoughts and ideas.
    Just a thought!
